Business Support

British Chambers of Commerce
The British Chambers of Commerce represents the interests of businesses through a network of 52 accredited chambers across the UK. In addition to offering advice and support to businesses, it lobbies on their behalf to ensure that their voices are heard by councils, local authorities and central government.

Federation of Small Businesses
The Federation of Small Businesses is theUK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small firms. Formed in 1974, it now has 200,000 members across 33 regions and 194 branches.
Their lobbying arm applies pressure on MPs, Government and Whitehall and puts the FSB viewpoint over to the media. The FSB also has Press and Parliamentary Offices in Glasgow,Cardiff and Belfast to lobby the devolved assemblies. Development Managers work alongside members in our regions to further FSB influence at a regional level.

Institute of Directors
The Institute of Directors is Europe's largest membership organisation for business leaders. Established in 1903, the IoD has been representing senior level professionals since our Royal Charter in 1906, earning us our trusted reputation as the business network for leadership. They support over 43,000 members through 44 regional branches across the UK, and an international network that covers six continents.

UK Business Forums
UK Business Forums, the UK's most active online forums for small business owners and managers. Membership is open to all and basic membership is free. The members of UKBF create an open and inclusive community focused on the many challenges facing owners and managers of small businesses and start-ups. With forum topics ranging from accounts to PR, marketing to legal, and e-commerce to SEO, members can potentially help you find the advice and support you’re looking for.

Local Enterprise Partnerships
Local enterprise partnerships are led by local authorities and businesses across natural economic areas. They provide the vision, knowledge and strategic leadership needed to drive sustainable private sector growth and job creation in their area. By combining strong business leadership with groups of local authorities whose planning, regulatory and public realm roles are critical to growth, these bodies are looking to bring an integrated approach across real economic geographies.

Growth Accelerator
Growth Accelerator is a service provided by the country’s leading business growth specialists, known for delivering uniquely tailored advice to high-flying businesses – advice that gets hard results. It’s a partnership between private enterprise and government and it’s affordable.