Sector Information

International Federation of Accountants
IFAC is the global organisation for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of 167 members and associates in 127 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management.

Institute of Chartered Accountants
We are a professional membership organisation, supporting over 138,000 chartered accountants around the world. Through our technical knowledge, skills and expertise, we provide insight and leadership to the global accountancy and finance profession.

The Law Society
The Law Society represents solicitors in England and Wales. From negotiating with and lobbying the profession's regulators, government and others, to offering training and advice, we're here to help, protect and promote solicitors across England and Wales.

Advertising Association
At the heart of the AA is its role as a forum through which companies and their trade associations can collectively monitor and review developments relevant to the advertising industry; shape the sector’s self-regulatory systems; and advise policy makers.
We have four mains aims:
creating and maintaining public trust and confidence in advertising
creating a single confident and coherent industry voice
advocating less and better regulation around advertising and supporting the freedom to advertise responsibly
inspiring our industry to lead the agenda

Advertising Producers Association
The Advertising Producers Association was formed by and represents the interests of production companies, post production and VFX and editing companies making commercials. The APA’s objective is to create the best possible business environment for our members to operate in.

Account Planning Group
The APG is a not-for-profit organisation run for and by its members: primarily account planners in advertising agencies, but increasingly the wider community of communications strategists, including media planners, channel planners, digital planners and DM planners.

British Interactive Media Association
BIMA showcases and rewards great digital work, celebrating excellence and raising standards, and in doing so inspires and supports current and future talent.

Direct Marketing Association
The DMA is hard at work developing and growing its range of services to help members in all areas of their business. Whether you’re an agency, a data consultancy, mailing house, a brand or an SME doing your own marketing, we have tools that will save you time and money.

Institute of Sales & Marketing Management
The Institute of Sales & Marketing Management (ISMM) is the worldwide representative body for salespeople. Founded in 1911 to promote standards of excellence in sales and sales management and to enhance the status and profile of sales as a profession, the ISMM has been the authoritative voice of selling and the custodian of sales standards, ethics and best practice for over 35 years.

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
The ASA's mission is to apply the Advertising Codes and uphold standards in all media on behalf of consumers, business and society at large.

National Farmers' Retail & Markets Association
FARMA is a co-operative of farmers, producers selling on a local scale, and farmers' markets organisers.
FARMA works throughout the UK and is the largest organisation of its type in the world, representing direct sales to customers through farm shops, Pick-Your-Own, farmers' markets, home delivery, on-farm catering, and farm entertainment.
FARMA inspects farm shops and farmers' markets to ensure that they are 'the real thing'.

Agricultural Engineers Association
The AEA was established in 1875 to promote the technical, trade and commercial interests of British manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural machinery.
Since then it has championed the cause of manufacturers of agricultural machinery and more recently outdoor power equipment.
Today its members cover a broad spectrum of manufacturers of land based equipment from combine harvesters to secateurs and everything in between.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is a government department in the UK. They make policy and legislation, and work with others to deliver our policies in - areas such as:
- the natural environment, biodiversity, plants and animals
- sustainable development and the green economy
- food, farming and fisheries
- animal health and welfare
- environmental protection and pollution control
- rural communities and issues.

The Horticultural Trades Association
The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is the trade association for the UK garden industry. It is dedicated to helping develop the industry and its member businesses, including most garden centres and other garden retailers, growers, landscapers, manufacturers and suppliers.

The Garden Centre Association
Many of the country's leading garden centres belong to the Garden Centre Association and each one has to achieve a high level of good business practice before they can be accepted as an Approved Member. To ensure that high standards are maintained, each garden centre is inspected annually.

Action4 was created in 2011, as the successor to the longest running UK telecoms trade association, the Premium Rate Association. It is a membership driven, self-regulating organisation dedicated to the present and future development of the premium rate industry in the UK.

Ofcom is the communications regulator. We regulate the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

National Outsourcing Association
Our principle objective is to ensure the effectiveness and success of outsourcing, shared services and insourcing through the promotion of best practice and innovation in their application and development.

Education Law Association
The Education Law Association, ELAS, is the premier association for educationalists, lawyers and advice workers concerned with the law of education.
Governing Bodies Association
The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) supports and advises governing bodies of schools in the independent sector on all aspects of governance, under the umbrella of the Independent Schools Council.
The charitable objects of the Association are the advancement of education and the promotion of good governance in independent schools.

British Educational Suppliers Association
BESA has over 300 members which include manufacturers and distributors of equipment, materials, books, consumables, furniture, technology, ICT hardware and digital content - all to the education market.

Manage-Able™ is a self-management programme developed by Peter Matuszowicz - Dare you think about it?

Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), is the professional body which represents over 6,000 waste management professionals - predominantly in the UK but also overseas. The CIWM sets the professional standards for individuals working in the waste management industry and has various grades of membership determined by education, qualification and experience. |

CO2 Sense
There are lots of ways of cutting both business costs and carbon emissions. The tricky part is knowing which ones will give you the best results. We're CO2Sense, a not-for-profit low-carbon expert company. We'll show you how you can improve your performance by cutting energy, waste and other resources, and by using your land and buildings to generate your own electricity and heat. You'll find our commonsense approach refreshing, and our independence reassuring.

Environment Agency
Find out how we regulate waste management activities, including the transport, treatment, and disposal of waste. This section contains information on permitting, compliance assessment, monitoring and enforcement. We regulate waste management activities including the transport, treatment and disposal of wastes.
Our main regulatory role in the sustainable management of waste is to protect people and the environment through a system of waste permitting; compliance assessment and monitoring and enforcement.
We provide advice on applications for permits and guidance on regulatory compliance and good practice.
We also provide data and information on waste production, recovery and disposal in our strategic waste management assessments.

European Recovered Paper Association
ERPA is the European Recovered Paper Association and a daughter federation of BIR.
Created in the early nineties under the name of WAPAC, ERPA aims at promoting the use and international trade of recovered paper for further production of recycled paper and cardboard. ERPA members are the national recovered paper federations of the different European Union countries.

We were set up in 2000 to help recycling take off in the UK and to create a market for recycled materials.
As understanding grew that 'waste' is actually 'stuff with value' and that wasting resources made no environmental or commercial sense, governments across the UK increased efforts to tackle these issues.
Over the last decade, we have helped and continue to help governments devise strategies to deal with these issues through our expertise, research and practical advice.

Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades
The AEMT is The Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades founded in 1945. It is an International Association representing leading companies in the service and repair industry. They supply, install, service, maintain, and repair, electric motors, drives,pumps, fans, gearboxes, generators, transformers, switchgear, and ancillary equipment. Most members also have well equippedmechanical engineering facilities for the repair and refurbishment of worn components and for metal fabrication. Some have panel building facilities and some carry out repairs to industrial electronic equipment.

Manufacturing Technologies Association
The Manufacturing Technologies Association is a trade association for companies working in the engineering-based manufacturing sector. Many of its members are involved in the construction and supply of manufacturing technology; items such as machine tools, cutting tools, metrology(measuring) equipment and CAD/CAM software. Other members deploy these technologies, and some are involved in providing services to the industry.

Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association
The Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association (CEDIA) is the international trade organisation for the home electronic systems industry. CEDIA members specialise in the planning, design, supply and installation of automated electronic systems for the modern, intelligent home. They can install anything from multi-room audio and home cinema systems to complete home networks and sub-systems which intelligently control lighting, security and HVAC.

Intellect is the voice of the UK's technology industry.
We believe that a vibrant and successful technology sector is vital to the long term economic well-being of the country. Our business services help companies of all sizes compete and innovate in a dynamic global market. We represent the views of industry to government and regulators and also provide opportunities for government and regulators to interact with industry on key policy and market issues.

Engineering Industry Association
We aim to be at the Centre of Information, Trade and Support for the Engineering Industry.
Established for over 65 years, the Association has grown to provide a network of information and assistance, with excellent added value membership benefits, and with effective lobbying and representation helping promote the engineering industry in the UK, Europe and Global Markets.

Semta is the Sector Skills Council for the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering sectors. We address the sectors’ skills needs, providing expert support to improve performance and growth.
We do this by working with employers, partners and training providers to shape skills and training solutions that meet employers' needs.
Semta is responsible for 132,000 companies and 1.7 million-strong workforce that make up UK advanced manufacturing and engineering: Aerospace and Defence, Automotive, Marine, Metals and Electronics.
We are led by employers so our expert knowledge of skills management and development means we are ideally placed to support organisations, whatever their size, to get the best return on their training investment.

Institute of Financial Services
The ifs School of Finance is a not-for-profit professional body and registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter and is the only specialist provider of professional financial education that is able to award its own taught degrees. It has a remit to provide the financial services industry with a skilled and competent workforce while also promoting a better understanding of finance amongst consumers.

National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers
The National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers was founded in 1992 in response to the growing incidence of fraud and is run by an elected Board of Directors supported by the Executive. It was formed in the belief that the establishment of measurable standards of proper professional practice in sourcing commercial funding was in the best interests of its SME customers, and vital to the integrity and future well-being of the industry.

Financial Services Authority
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is an independent non-governmental body, given statutory powers by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. We are a company limited by guarantee and financed by the financial services industry. The Board sets our overall policy, but day-to-day decisions and management of the staff are the responsibility of the Executive Committee.

Consumer Credit Association
The CCA is the trade association for home credit industry in the UK and Republic of Ireland, promoting high standards of business and consumer relations.

Credit Union
UKCreditUnions Ltd (UKCU) is a co-operative based national trade association for authorised and registered credit unions, credit union steering groups, savings groups, mutual aid societies and credit union support organisations.
UKCU has evolved from the Association of Independent Credit Unions (AICU). The AICU represented credit unions in England and Northern Ireland.

Finance & Leasing Association
The Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) is a trade association for the consumer credit, motor finance and asset finance sectors, and the largest organisation of its type in Europe.
Their members are banks, subsidiaries of banks and building societies, the finance arms of leading retailers and manufacturing companies and a range of independent firms.

The Grocer
The Grocer, this year celebrating its 150th anniversary, leads the market as the UK’s only paid-for online service and weekly magazine with coverage of the whole FMCG sector. Customers range from directors of the large multiples to independent retailers, wholesalers and suppliers, as well as growers, food processors, manufacturers, key opinion formers and the national media.

British Baker
British Baker is about the business, the people, and the community of bakery in the UK.
The only pan-industry title, British Baker reaches into the plant, craft, supermarket, ingredient, equipment and in-store bakery markets and allied to that, the food-to-go, snacks, hot beverages and soft drinks arenas.

Food Manufacturer is a daily online news service available as a free-access website and provides daily and weekly newsletters to subscribers.
The service seeks out news stories and data of value to decision-makers in food and beverage development in Europe.
The team is led by award-winning journalists. They scan all available scientific, technical and industry sources and search out previously unpublished material, primary data and expert opinions in all areas of significance to the target audience.

The Public Ledger
Agra Informa Ltd specialises in providing accurate, timely and unrivalled information on agriculture and food policy, markets and trade. We offer this information across a wide range of media, including regular print and online reports, studies and conferences.

Association Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
AAMI, the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, is a nonprofit organisation founded in 1967. It is a diverse community of nearly 7,000 healthcare technology professionals united by one important mission—supporting the healthcare community in the development, management, and use of safe and effective medical technology.

General Medical Council
The GMC registers doctors to practise medicine in the UK. Their purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine.

British Medical Asociation
Through research and publishing they lead debate on key ethical, scientific and public health matters and award grants to encourage individual research in medicine.
They also work with a number of other professional bodies on issues which they, their members, or their patients have a legitimate interest.

The British Hospitality Association
The BHA is the leading representative organisation in the hospitality industry, representing hotels, restaurants and food service providers. We aim to deliver real returns for our members, positively championing the industry’s priorities through partnerships with government and with other associations and organisations.

The Institute of Hospitality
The Institute of Hospitality, founded as the Institutional Management Association in 1938, is the professional body for individual managers and aspiring managers working and studying in the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry.
The Institute's reputation as a membership organisation promoting quality standards and education spans more than 100 countries. From students to Fellows, the Institute continues to support members' professional development throughout their careers, wherever they are in the world.

Caterer and Hotel Keeper
Caterer and Hotelkeeper is the leading website for the UK hospitality community covering the hotel, restaurant, foodservice, pubs and bar sectors. Brought to you by the publishers of Caterer and Hotelkeeper magazine, the site delivers a wide range of information to help you both 'on the job' and in developing your career.

Federation Against Software Theft Limited
The Federation Against Software Theft and Investors in Software (IiS), two of the most respected independent names in the UK software industry, have joined forces to strengthen and clarify the advice given to the end user community relating to best practice for Software Asset Management (SAM) and achieving cost efficient licence compliance.
Business Application Software Developers Association
BASDA is the Business Application Software Developers' Association, a member-driven not-for-profit organisation where members benefit by sharing knowledge and expertise and working effectively as one voice to address strategic issues and evolving legal, political and technical influences that affect the business software industry.

The Software & Information Industry Association
The Software & Information Industry Association is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries. SIIA provides global services in government relations, business development, corporate education and intellectual property protection to the leading companies that are setting the pace for the digital age.

The One Point
The One Point offer our customers a whole in one solution, giving them the benefits of one single-source provider to manage their IT, Telecoms, Business and Personal Mobiles and Digital/ Web needs. We offer greater savings and the convenience of management in one place, in turn giving you greater control.

British Furniture Manufacturers Association
British Furniture Manufacturers (BFM) is a trade association that has represented the interests of the British furniture industry in all sectors for more than 60 years.

Institute of the Motor Industry
The IMI is the professional association for individuals working in the motor industry. The Institute is the Sector Skills Council for the automotive retail industry and the governing body for the Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA) scheme.

British Independent Motor Trade Association
The British Independent Motor Trade Association (BIMTA) is the only official UK trade body established solely to represent the independent vehicle import industry. Our Members bring thousands of vehicles across each year from Japan.
We are recognised by the Government and agencies, including the DVLA, the Department for Transport and HM Revenue & Customs, as the definitive \\\'voice\\\' of the independent sector, and are the ONLY body in the UK to offer money-back guarantees on vehicle checks. And we do this in partnership with the Automobile Association (New Zealand) which is the leading motoring organisation in the world when it comes to background checks on Japanese imports.

Independent Motor Trade Factors Association Limited
The IFA is one of the largest and most successful motor factor buying groups in the United Kingdom.
IFA Members are experts in the supply of vehicle parts to garages, workshops, car and van dealers, road haulage operators and to the general public. Owned and run by its Members, the IFA group is driven to succeed in every aspect of the automotive aftermarket and to forge strong partnerships with customers and suppliers alike.

British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association
Established in 1967, the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association is the trade body for companies engaged in the leasing and rental of cars and commercial vehicles.
Its members provide short-term self-drive rental, leasing hire and fleet management services to corporate users and consumers. The sector employs an estimated 46,000 people and supports a further 200,000 jobs across the automotive industry in the UK. BVRLA members operate a combined fleet of around 2.5 million cars, vans and trucks, buying nearly half of all new vehicles sold in the UK. In doing so, they spend in excess of £16 billion each year on vehicles and around a further £4 billion on support and ancillary services.

Retail Motor Industry Federation
The Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) is the UK’s largest automotive trade body, representing franchised car and commercial vehicle dealers; independent garages; bodyshops; motorcycle dealers, petrol retailers; auction houses and cherished number plate dealers who provide sales and services to motorists and businesses across the UK.

British Printing Industries Federation
The BPIF is the principal business support organisation representing the UK print, printed packaging and graphic communication industry and is one of the country's leading trade associations. We are a not-for-profit-distribution organisation.

Institute of Paper, Printing & Publishing International
The merger of the three Institutes brings together over 2000 members and a wealth of knowledge. For anyone working in the industry, membership of IP3 will be an enormous asset
Board members from the three separate organisations, Institute of Paper, Institute of Printing and Institute of Publishing have worked tirelessly to bring about a new, amalgamated body, the Institute of Paper, Printing and Publishing. Although this will be its more formal title, we hope that the more catchy IP3 will become adopted and come to represent excellence in this fascinating sphere.

Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers was formed in 1972 with 24 society members. Today ALPSP has more than 340 member organisations in 41 countries and is the largest international trade association for scholarly and professional publishers. We aim to serve, represent and strengthen the community of scholarly publishers, and those who work with them. ALPSP provides information, education, representation, cooperative initiatives and guidelines for good practice.

Professional Publishers Association
The Professional Publishers Association (PPA) represents more than 200 companies, covering everything from consumer magazine publishers to business-to-business data and information providers and smaller independents.
We promote the industry in all its forms, protect members through lobbying activities, and advise the industry through communications and training work.

Publishers Association
The PA's mission is to strengthen the trading environment for UK publishers, by providing a strong voice for the industry in government, within society and with other stakeholders in the UK, in Europe and internationally; providing a forum for the exchange of non-competitive information between publishers; and providing support and guidance to the industry through technological and other changes.
Our core service is representation and lobbying, around copyright, rights and other matters relevant to our members, who represent roughly 80 per cent of the industry by turnover.

Institute of Civil Engineers
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a registered charity (no. 210252; no. SC038629 [Scotland]) that strives to promote and progress civil engineering. We believe that civil engineers are "at the heart of society, delivering sustainable development through knowledge, skills and professional expertise."

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
RICS is the world's leading qualification when it comes to professional standards in land, property and construction.
In a world where more and more people, governments, banks and commercial organisations demand greater certainty of professional standards and ethics, RICS status is the recognised mark of property professionalism. Founded in 1868 by Royal Charter, RICS is an independent professional body committed to setting and upholding the highest standards of excellence and integrity.

Civil Engineering Contractors Association
The Civil Engineering Contractors Association is the representative body for companies who work day-to-day to deliver, upgrade, and maintain the country's infrastructure.
With more than 300 members split across eight regions, CECA represents firms who together carry out an estimated 70-80 per cent of all civil engineering activity in the UK, in the key sectors of transport, energy, communications, waste and water.

Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
Founded in 1906, the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) is the professional body for the UK plumbing and heating industry. Membership is made up of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds such as consultants, specifiers, designers, public health engineers, lecturers, trainers, trainees and practitioners.
The CIPHE has a membership of around 10,000 including approximately 260 manufacturers and distributors, which support its work as Industrial Associates. Whilst the majority of members live in the UK, some 750 are resident in Hong Kong and a further 300 are resident in over 30 other countries.

Electrical Contractors' Association
Founded in 1901, the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) is the UK’s leading trade association representing the interests of contractors who design, install, inspect, test and maintain electrical and electronic equipment and services.

Federation of Master Builders
The FMB is the UK's largest trade association in the building sector, with national offices in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, supported by additional regional offices.

FENSA stands for the Fenestration Self-Assessment Scheme. It has been set up by the Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) and other industry bodies with Government encouragement in response to the current Building Regulations for England and Wales.

British Retail Consortium
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is the lead trade association representing the whole range of retailers, from the large multiples and department stores through to independents, selling a wide selection of products through centre of town, out of town, rural and virtual stores.
The BRC is the authoritative voice of retail, recognised for its powerful campaigning and influence within government and as a provider of excellent retail information.

British Independent Retailers Association
bira members know that specialist support is a key benefit of membership, whether you need legal advice or financial support help and advice is just a phone call away.

Retail Week
Retail Week is the essential source of breaking retail news, in-depth comment and critical analysis. Subscribe today and you will receive Retail Week magazine, complete access to, and now the Retail Week Knowledge Bank.

Associated Independent Stores
Associated Independent Stores, or AIS, is the largest independent, non-food buying group of its kind in the UK with a combined membership turnover of around £1.8 billion. The group has a membership of 270 independent department store and specialist retailers operating 611 outlets across the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands.

British Independent Retailers Association
Our unrivalled range of services is suitable for any retail sector and add up to real value for money, making us the must-have choice for all independent retailers.
We also group together nationally to represent and lobby on behalf of all independent retailers, influencing legislators, local councils and suppliers. We fight for all that makes independent retailing an integral part of British society.

British Retail Consortium
The British Retail Consortium represents every type of retailer in the UK, from the large multiples and department stores through to the independents. Between them they sell a wide range of products through town centre, suburban, out of town, rural and virtual stores.
The BRC exists to make life easier for our members by: Campaigning to promote and protect retailers' interests; Advising retailers on threats to and opportunities for their business; Offering members a range of competetive, professional services which add value to their business; and Improving the general perecption of the retail industry in the UK Retailing.

Chartered Institute of Logistics
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK - CILT(UK) - is the pre-eminent independent professional body for individuals associated with logistics, supply chains and all transport throughout their careers.

Road Haulage Association
The RHA is at the forefront of political activity, representing your interests with Government, in Europe, in local affairs as well as with other industry bodies. We are constantly campaigning on your behalf and gather your views at regional and specialist group meetings, events and seminars.

Chamber of Shipping
With 139 members and associate members, the Chamber represents over 927 ships of about 28.4 million gross tons and is recognised as the voice of the UK shipping industry.
The Chamber works with government, parliament, international organisations and all elements of the maritime cluster on behalf of the sectors that make up the shipping industry (including deep-sea bulk, short-sea bulk, containers, ferry, cruise, offshore support and specialised operators) to ensure the UK's continued success as the global maritime centre and recognition of shipping's contribution to the UK economy.

International Bunker Industry Association
The International Bunker Industry Association Ltd (IBIA) was conceived in October 1992 by eight members of the industry. Since then it has expanded steadily with a world wide membership comprising Ship Owners, Charterers, Bunker Suppliers, Traders, Brokers, Barging Companies, Storage Companies, Surveyors, Port Authorities, Credit reporting companies, Lawyers, P & I Clubs, Equipment Manufacturers, Shipping Journalists and Marine Consultants. Today membership stands at over 600 members from 66 countries.

British International Freight Association
The British International Freight Association (BIFA) is the trade association for UK-registered companies engaged in international movement of freight by all modes of transport, air, road, rail and sea. BIFA has around 1400 corporate members, known generally as freight forwarders, which offer a wide range of services within these various modes.

United Kingdom Warehousing Association
UKWA - the United Kingdom Warehousing Association - is the UK’s only trade association dedicated to serving the vitally important warehousing and logistics sector. UKWA embraces all companies that operate a warehousing or distribution facility.