Only 32% of SME businesses have sought external advice or information on matters affecting their business in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Less than 5% of SME businesses had significantly increased growth plans for the coming 12 months.
Source: BIS

Of the SME businesses that sought advice in the last 12 months, 28% needed help with their business strategy.
Source: BIS

70% of businesses questioned didn’t seek advice o key issues because they felt it was too expensive.
Source: BIS

61% of business owners didn’t know where to go for business support and advice.
Source: BIS

49% of start-up businesses will cease trading within 5 years.
Source: BIS

42% of SME businesses view cash-flow as being an obstacle to the success of their business.
Source: BIS

38% of SME businesses sought finance to support working capital and cash-flow.
Source: BIS

Only 28% of SME businesses increased their annual turnover in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Only 41% of SME businesses anticipated a profit / surplus increase when compared with the previous 12 months results.
Source: BIS

Small Business demand for external finance is at the highest level seen since December 2007.
Source: BIS

8% of SME businesses anticipated closure or a transfer of ownership in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Only 39% of SME’s were ‘very confident’ of success when applying for finance.
Source: BIS

Of the SME businesses that sought advice in the last 12 months, 51% needed help with their key financial issues.
Source: BIS

Only 11% of SME businesses are planning to move premises in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Only 34% of SME businesses reported any new or significantly improved processes in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Just over 50% of SME businesses delivered new or significantly improved products or services in the last year.
Source: BIS

76% of failed businesses suffered from either weak financial management or weak marketing capabilities.
Source: BIS

Businesses with fewer than 20 employees have only a 37% chance of surviving four years and only a 9% chance of surviving 10 years.
Source: BIS

Over 25% of owners feel their marriage or personal partnership have been adversely damaged by their business and are left too tired for sex. Source: BIS

Only 35% of SME businesses felt they have a ‘very good’ relationship with their bank.
Source: BIS

62% of business owners didn’t feel they could trust the business advice that was currently on offer.
Source: BIS

48% of owners didn’t feel that the right type of advice existed currently for their business.
Source: BIS

Only 16% of businesses had used some form of business mentor in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

87% of consumers believe that SME businesses are a critical element of the overall economic health.
Source: BIS

48% of SME owners say what they need most to stay afloat through the recession is more customers.
Source: BIS

Of the small businesses that sought advice in the last 12 months, 23% needed help with their marketing and advertising.
Source: BIS

Only 39% of SME businesses have recruited new employees in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Just 30% of SME businesses are planning to recruit any new staff in the coming year.
Source: BIS

14% of SME businesses feel they will need to lose staff in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Less than 40% of SME businesses plan to undertake any staff training in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Less than 40% of SME businesses invested in training to develop Leadership and Management skills.
Source: BIS

Over 40% of SME businesses have no idea how much their recruitment and selection costs.
Source: BIS

80% of business owners admitted to having a problem in successfully balancing the competing demands of work and home.
Source: BIS

Every business owner deserves the right to learn how to increase sales, multiply their profits with our help you can!
Source: BIS

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Government Departments

Business Link

Business Link is government's online resource for businesses. It contains essential information, support and services for you and your business – whether you work for a large organisation or are on your way to starting up. Simple to use, up to date and practical, Business Link is the first place to go to find guidance on regulations and to access government services. It also has a number of useful online tools, calculators, and best practice case studies; and provides access to funding options, as well as wider support.

Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs

HMRC is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for the collection of taxes and the payment of some forms of state support. HMRC was formed by the merger of the Inland Revenue and Her Majesty's Customs and Excise which took effect on 18 April 2005. The department is responsible for the administration and collection of direct taxes including income tax and corporation tax, capital taxes such as capital gains tax and inheritance tax, indirect taxes (including value added tax), excise duties and stamp duty land tax.

Companies House

The United Kingdom has enjoyed a system of company registration since 1844. Today, company registration matters are dealt with in law, by the Companies Act 2006. The main functions of Companies House are to incorporate and dissolve limited companies; examine and store company information delivered under the Companies Act and related legislation; and make this information available to the public.

Intellectual Property Office

The Intellectual Property Office are the official government body responsible for granting Intellectual Property (IP) rights in the United Kingdom. Intellectual Property (IP) results from the expression of an idea. So IP might be a brand, an invention, a design, a song or another intellectual creation. The IPO can help you get the right type of protection for your creation or invention.

Health and Safety Executive

HSE is the national independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness. The Health and Safety executive are an independent regulator and act in the public interest to reduce work-related death and serious injury across Great Britain’s workplaces.

The Information Commissioner's Office

The Information Commissioner’s Office’s mission is to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. They rule on eligible complaints, give guidance to individuals and organisations, and take appropriate action when the law is broken.