Only 32% of SME businesses have sought external advice or information on matters affecting their business in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Less than 5% of SME businesses had significantly increased growth plans for the coming 12 months.
Source: BIS

Of the SME businesses that sought advice in the last 12 months, 28% needed help with their business strategy.
Source: BIS

70% of businesses questioned didn’t seek advice o key issues because they felt it was too expensive.
Source: BIS

61% of business owners didn’t know where to go for business support and advice.
Source: BIS

49% of start-up businesses will cease trading within 5 years.
Source: BIS

42% of SME businesses view cash-flow as being an obstacle to the success of their business.
Source: BIS

38% of SME businesses sought finance to support working capital and cash-flow.
Source: BIS

Only 28% of SME businesses increased their annual turnover in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Only 41% of SME businesses anticipated a profit / surplus increase when compared with the previous 12 months results.
Source: BIS

Small Business demand for external finance is at the highest level seen since December 2007.
Source: BIS

8% of SME businesses anticipated closure or a transfer of ownership in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Only 39% of SME’s were ‘very confident’ of success when applying for finance.
Source: BIS

Of the SME businesses that sought advice in the last 12 months, 51% needed help with their key financial issues.
Source: BIS

Only 11% of SME businesses are planning to move premises in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Only 34% of SME businesses reported any new or significantly improved processes in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Just over 50% of SME businesses delivered new or significantly improved products or services in the last year.
Source: BIS

76% of failed businesses suffered from either weak financial management or weak marketing capabilities.
Source: BIS

Businesses with fewer than 20 employees have only a 37% chance of surviving four years and only a 9% chance of surviving 10 years.
Source: BIS

Over 25% of owners feel their marriage or personal partnership have been adversely damaged by their business and are left too tired for sex. Source: BIS

Only 35% of SME businesses felt they have a ‘very good’ relationship with their bank.
Source: BIS

62% of business owners didn’t feel they could trust the business advice that was currently on offer.
Source: BIS

48% of owners didn’t feel that the right type of advice existed currently for their business.
Source: BIS

Only 16% of businesses had used some form of business mentor in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

87% of consumers believe that SME businesses are a critical element of the overall economic health.
Source: BIS

48% of SME owners say what they need most to stay afloat through the recession is more customers.
Source: BIS

Of the small businesses that sought advice in the last 12 months, 23% needed help with their marketing and advertising.
Source: BIS

Only 39% of SME businesses have recruited new employees in the last 12 months.
Source: BIS

Just 30% of SME businesses are planning to recruit any new staff in the coming year.
Source: BIS

14% of SME businesses feel they will need to lose staff in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Less than 40% of SME businesses plan to undertake any staff training in the next 12 months.
Source: BIS

Less than 40% of SME businesses invested in training to develop Leadership and Management skills.
Source: BIS

Over 40% of SME businesses have no idea how much their recruitment and selection costs.
Source: BIS

80% of business owners admitted to having a problem in successfully balancing the competing demands of work and home.
Source: BIS

Every business owner deserves the right to learn how to increase sales, multiply their profits with our help you can!
Source: BIS

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